
7th October 2020
Let's go to the heart of Egypt

Ingredients for four servings

  • 180 g of white sugar
  • 250 g of wheat flour
  • 120 g of dried fruit and nuts
  • 220 ml of cream
  • 12 scoops of Vitafos®


  • Mix the flour with the sugar and Vitafos®.
  • Slowly add the cream and knead until a sticky dough is formed.
  • Spread the dough (about 1.5 cm thick) in a baking pan.
  • Spread the dried fruits and nuts on top and bake in an oven at 170ºC for 50 minutes.
  • Allow it to cool and serve.

Nutritional value (per serving

Energy value: 896.75 Kcal; Proteins: 14.23 g; Carbohydrates: 132.99 g; Fat: 33.17 g.

Nutritional remarks

The Maskina recipe is packed with power! The dried fruits and nuts and Vitafos® provide a large amount of energy and high-quality fats. Dried fruits and nuts help us perform better throughout the day, and they are also foods with potential cardioprotective effects that help us maintain optimal levels of good and bad cholesterol.
Not suitable for people who are gluten and/or lactose intolerant.

Gastronomic remarks

This dessert is very popular in Egypt, where it can be found everywhere, and it is also easy to prepare. Children and adults will love it. Served cold and with an herbal tea, it takes us right to the heart of Egypt.

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