
7th October 2020
A mix of coconut and meringue

Ingredients for four servings

  • 70 g of grated coconut
  • 100 g of white sugar
  • 105 g of egg whites
  • 12 scoops of Vitafos®
  • Butter


  1. Beat the egg whites to stiff peaks.
  2. Combine the coconut, sugar, and Vitafos®.
  3. Mix everything together. Pour into a baking pan that has been greased with butter.
  4. Bake in the oven at 160ºC for about 30 minutes. Serve cold.

Nutritional value (per serving)

Energy value: 412.90 Kcal; Proteins: 8.42 g; Carbohydrates: 53.60 g; Fat: 18.07 g.

Nutritional remarks

The ingredients of this recipe make it possible to ingest a large amount of energy and high-quality proteins in a small volume by adding egg and the Vitafos® supplement. Coconut provides the most caloric intake thanks to its high fat content, and because it is rich in fiber, it improves intestinal transit.

Suitable for people who are gluten and lactose intolerant.

Gastronomic remarks

Guzeya is a popular Arabic dessert that can be considered the combination of a cookie and a meringue. Arabic desserts are known for their subtle flavors and they are a favorite with kids.

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